Special Care Dentistry
Dr. Lentfer was fortunate to attend a hospital based pediatric dental residency. Having this training gave her a first hand experience with children that had significant special needs. If your child has special needs, Dr. Lentfer is trained to adapt treatment as needed to accommodate your child. Many children with special needs require coordination with other specialties. Dr. Lentfer makes every effort to coordinate care locally and help prevent a trip to OHSU for treatment unless it is absolutely indicated. Dr. Lentfer is one of only two pediatric dentists in the Eugene/Springfield area with local hospital privileges which allows her to treat patients with Pediatric Anesthesiologists in a hospital setting locally if needed.
Dr. Lentfer gained a lot of experience in her residency of two years at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin treating children with Autism and continues to expand her knowledge on care of children with autism thru continuing education. Dr. Lentfer enjoys working with children on the autism spectrum and figuring out what works best for them in providing dental care. Dr. Lentfer can speak with you further about desensitization appointments that can help your child gain confidence and familiarity in the dental environment.
Hospital Privileges
Dr. Lentfer is one of only three pediatric dentists in Lane County with hospital privileges at River Bend Hospital. Being a dentist with hospital privileges means Dr. Lentfer can treat your special needs child locally and not have to refer you to Portland to be treated at OHSU. Of course there are exceptions where a referral to OHSU is still indicated, but Dr. Lentfer is often able to treat your special needs child with anesthesiologists who have specialized in pediatric care locally at River Bend Hospital.
In addition, we have partnered with Atlas Anesthesia and Axe Anesthesia to provide an in-office option for general anesthesia. Atlas Anesthesia and Axe Anesthesia both specialize in administering General Anesthesia to the Pediatric Dental patient on a daily basis, and have become very safe and efficient because of it.
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