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New Patient Registration

Save Time By Filling Out Our New Patient Registration Form Before Your First Appointment!

If you don’t already have the Adobe Acrobat Reader free application installed please do so before you start filling out the form so that you will be able to add your digital signatures without having to print out the form.

Visit: https://get.adobe.com/reader/


What Our Patients Say

“Best dental experience of my life! Dr Lentfer is incredibly kind, full of knowledge and every member of her staff that I have encountered have been a dream!”


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¡Ahorre tiempo completando nuestro nuevo formulario de registro de paciente antes de su primera cita!

Si aún no tiene instalada la aplicación gratuita Adobe Acrobat Reader, hágalo antes de comenzar a completar el formulario para que pueda agregar sus firmas digitales sin tener que imprimir el formulario.

Visita el sitio para bajar la programa: https://get.adobe.com/reader/